v3 Public Beta Released

The MyTeam by BNI v3 Public Beta is finally released! This means that you and your team are able to use the MyTeam app to help us finish adding features and fixing bugs. But don’t worry! The app is in a stable condition, so you don’t need to worry about data loss or other serious issues. Releasing a public beta allows us to make sure the app is working its best before we fully release it. With that being said, if there is a significant amount of teams attempting to sign up for the app, we may restrict sign ups to a certain number of teams.

What features are in v3?

You can learn more about the features in MyTeam by BNI v3 here.

What should I do if I find an issue?

You can report any issues (as well as feature suggestions) in the help page, which can be accessed from the top right of the settings page.

What if my team isn’t on the app yet?

That’s ok! Have an adult from your team sign up in the app and create your team. Read more in the docs here.